Monday, July 21, 2008

Potty training saga continues.........

So Gabriel has been somewhat trained in the last 2 weeks.  Over the weekend he had a bit of a setback refusing to attempt #2 on the toilet.  He even.....BEWARE OF TMI..........pooped right on the floor in our attempt to run to the toilet if he's naked.  Today I took the boys to the mall because it's sooooo hot.  I put Gabriel in underwear and gave him the lecture of not soiling poor Thomas.  One hour into our trip Gabriel started the poop dance.  I told him to "push it up" until we got to the bathroom.  He resisted but I managed to get him there.   I placed him on the toilet and told him to push.  Unfortunately we had a toilet that automatically flushed every minute.  At first this freaked Gabriel out (and flushed millions of germs on his tush)  but I managed to make a joke out of the magic flusher.  After some reminders of the cool Thomas toy he would get if he continued to poop for a week, Gabriel managed to get one out.  I almost missed seeing it (to confirm it happened) because flusher went off at the same time.  Good times.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Gabriel had just received a trolley from the Trolley Museum

Gabriel - Noah can have the old trolley and I will have the new one.
Mom - Why?
Gabriel - Because Noah likes older things.

Ain't that the truth.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Beach part 2

    Mmmmm Ice cream!

                                   The whole mispacha.

Bethney Beach family vacation

Abuelo invited everyone to a week at the beach.  Good time had by all cousins.

           Playing in the puddles after the rain.

   Kissing cousin Leo

                                   Silvan, Orion, Gabriel and Noah devouring snowcones.
                                   Paying taxes to Abuelo.


Noah is quite a negotiator.  
Noah - I want cupcake.
Mom - No.  Noah you just had one.
Noah - (Loudly) Want Cupcake
Mom - No Noah.
Noah - Cupcake later?

Poo Poo in the Potty!!!!

We have been struggling with potty training for some time now.  Gabriel will pee in the toilet but he never really did # 2 until Sunday.  Gabriel on a hike in the woods when the poop face appeared.  After some encouragement from daddy Gabriel squatted and pooped on the ground.  On Monday I showed Gabriel a toy he could have if he pooped on the toilet.  He said he wanted to try so I took him to the bathroom set him up with 2 books and left him.  After about 10min. he said he did it.  Sure enough sitting in the toilet was the long sought after pooie.  He said, " I heard the splash!"  Today I told Gabriel to pee before nap time and he said he wanted to poopie.  Well after a few pushes success again.  This may seem like nothing to most but we have been struggling with this for months now.  I really hope he has it time time.


Gabriel - Your a guinea pig
Noah - No! I not.
Gabriel - Your a guinea pig Noah.
Noah - I not guinea pig.  I Noah.
Gabriel - But you look like a guinea pig.